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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Update Thurs- sat.

Today was a pretty great Saturday. Snowy and cold, but very enjoyable.
Lets back up to Thursday first ( yes, I know, what a slacker that I haven’t blogged since Wed – sorry) I did get my long run in Wed BTW - 6 miles felt great!

Thursday I taught spin early in the am to about 20 freezing men and women who managed to push through the cold weather outside for a nice sweat session inside. I had a few clients after and then worked 2-6. After work I came home and Matt and Greg were in the kitchen  getting ready for Family Dinner. I love Thursday Family Dinners!

It was Matts turn to cook, and cook he did! Wow, we had a TON of food! Our friend Adam headed out to Buffalo yesterday with his girlfriend who is also our close friend Kathy in order to run a 100 mile trail race that started at 10am this morning. Yes, 100 miles.  In Buffalo.  In January.  Wish him good luck. The website for the Beast of Burden 100 Miler & 24-Hour Ultra is here.Beast of Burden 100 Miler & 24-Hour Ultra

Because of this Matt wanted to help him carb load, and I mean really, who is going to say no to some extra carbs? Matt made mac and cheese, a giant baked ham, and corn chowder in the crock pot. Everything was fantastic!! I finally found my camera today, but it was not in time to document this glorious meal. Sad.

Yesterday I had a few clients and then joined Stacy for a slippery slow 3 miles just to get out and run a bit. The sidewalks were a little slick and snow covered from the snow we received Thursday night. It was worth it though, and we managed to run all 3 without falling or slipping to badly.

Last night Greg, Matt and I headed out to get burgers and then came home and wached Friends With Benefits.  I thought the movie was pretty good, I would watch it again, but probanly not purchase it.

Today I babysat and then had a client. I got home and lounged around since it was still snowing and cold. I hung around  until everyone decided to go get a workout in. Greg and Matt headed to their gym, while I went to the BSC in Davis. I would have joined them, but it was a 20 dollar day pass which seemed ridiculous since I could just run ½ mile from their gym to a BSC. I had a great workout, which included a 30 min cardio session, some kettlebell work and core work. Done and done for a Saturaday. 

Now Greg and I are on to making a greek pizza! Can’t wait.
Have a great weekend

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