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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

No Running or Sleeping = Problem

Yesterday I trained a few clients in the morning and then came home to organize a bunch of grad school information.
Later, I headed back to the gym and thought I would go for a run after. I texted Stacy and it turned out she was busy with her big kid job as a science geek ( her words, not mine) and couldn't run. Sad day. 

Usually I would have ran on my own, but I was really under motivarted. I ended up getting in a great workout though. It  included squats, snatches, and a pull up, chest press, burpee sequence. Sore legs today!

I haven’t ran since Fri of last week. I don’t know what has gotten into me, but with the super cold weather all weekend I couldn’t drag myself out the door. I did manage to spin Monday though so that was some progress.

Part of me is fine with this, as I have a long run planned today and I think it's probably okay to allow my body to rest before I beat it up for 18 weeks of marathon training. The other part has noticed that I’m not sleeping as well. I think I need running in my life as a way to relieve stress. I had a terrible time sleeping last night even though I knew I had to get up around 4:45 for a 5:45 client. I tossed and turned and eventually got up and paid our gas and electric bill that’s not even due until the end of the month. It was on my mind, and I couldn’t stop thinking about it, and the plethora of other things I needed to get done today and this week. 

Usually I run and I think about these things so I kill two birds with one stone as they say. Since my running had decreased, my things to think about have increased. This is not productive, so next time I ho and hum about going for a run I’m going to keep in mind that A) I want to finish this marathon alive and B) I neeeeed running in my life so I don’t become and overwhelmed sleep deprived terror. Dramatic? Yes. But, potentially true.

Last night Gregs aunt came over for dinner which was lots of run. Greg made garlicky, eggplant, and shrimp stirfry and I grabbed a few sweet treats from a bakery on my way home from work. We had a great time chatting and sharing stories from when Greg was a little kid. I love those stories, they make me smile and sad that I didn’t know him as a kid.

Tonight I'm headed out to dinner with one of my clients/friends to celebrate her new job. It should be fun.
Happy Wednesday everyone!

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