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Monday, January 30, 2012

Making Moves Monday

Lets back track to Saturday evening.

Greg and I got dressed up and headed out to dinner for our 5 year anniversary. We went to a restaurant called Burdicks. Its also a chocolate shop with stores in Walpole, New Hampshire and Harvard sq in Cambridge. Burdicks

The store in Cambridge doesn’t have a restaurant attached to it so it’s a nice treat to be able to go home and experience their fine dining. I ordered a salad and the Sole as my entrée while greg went with a salad and Lamb. We didn’t take any pictures although we talked about it. We seemed a little silly busting out our cameras in such a nice restaurant.

Our dinner was delicious and we were surprised at how much cheaper it was than Boston. Still great quality, just without the hefty price tag.

No dinner, or lunch, or brunch at Burdicks would be completet without dessert. I was honestly completely stuffed and even made Greg finish my dinner, but I ordered their dark chocolate hot chocolate as my dessert anyways. I took about 5 sips of the rich chocolate drink before I decided I needed to take it home and asked for a to-go cup. They said this happens often and they often suggest taking it home to be enjoyed. 

After our delicious meal I was stuffed and sleepy so Greg dropped me off at home and I proceeded to go read and relax in bed, while he met his dad and a friend for a beer. 

Sunday morning was 8 mile run, the “long run” of the week. I got up at 6:45 with plans of getting out the door by 730. I thought about running in Chester, but decided against it and ran from my house. I mapped out 4 miles out and back, bringing me into the next town over. We don’t have sidewalks (helllllo tiny VT town) so I ran along the side of the road. 

The first 4 miles felt awesome, I was holding a pace around 8:50s and the rolling hills were feeling good. As I started to head home, the last 3 miles the wind picked up and was freeeezing. It was around 22-23 degrees when I left my house at 7:30 and I’m sure the wind chill was much colder.

I finally made it home, slightly frozen, but happy with my run overall. I’m happy to say I did every single run on my training plan this week and hope to continue this pattern.

I spent the rest of the day hanging out with my sister and mom and then later sledding with my sister, her boyfriend, my brother and his girlfriend. Such fun! Such icy fun! We needed more snow, but we made due with what we had.

Today was a strength day, but no running. Here is this coming week in terms of Marathon Training
Monday: strength/rest  
Tuesday: 3 miles
Wednesday: 5 miles
Thursday : 3 miles and spin
Friday: rest/yoga
Sat: 5 miles
Sunday: 10 miles.
Happy Monday everyone!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

VT weekend

Last night Greg and I headed home to VT after work. 

It had been a busy and slightly stressful day yesterday so I’m happy it ended on a good note.

I went to the doctors on Thursday and was told I needed a full blood workup done since I hadn’t had one in years! I couldn’t do it Thursday because I had eaten breakfast and a snack by the time my 930 appointment rolled around so they wanted me to come in Friday.

This was fine, except I had clients from 730am until 12. I was thinking of just waititng and going on Monday but my doc seemed pretty intent that I have it done Fri. 

Doing so meant that I had to fast until my blood-work since they were doing cholesterol and sugar. I wasn’t allowed to eat until 12. I was STARVING!!! It didn’t help that I usual have to show or demonstrate many of the exercises I want my clients to do. This may not seem like much since I usually only do 1 or 2 for show, but on an empty belly its terrible. 

Thankfully yesterday was a rest day in my marathon training, so I didn’t need to run or cross train. I had planned to go to yoga at some point, but quickly scratched that idea with the fear I would pass out from hunger.

I tried to drink some tea when I first got to work, but it just made me nauseous without anything else in my stomach. I somehow manged until 12 but the first thing I told the lab tech when I got to the doctors was that I was starving and that the noise she was hearing was my stomach. Woops.

All is well now, she took my blood and then I headed over to Darwins ltd for a sandwich. Thank goodness I didn’t know anyone in the café because I don’t think I have ever eaten so fast in my life. I odered a sanwhich with humus, mustard, avocado, carrots, sprouts, and tomatoes. It was delicious! Try it, great flavor combination!

Now I am home in VT.  I did my 5 mile training run this morning and then went and got a haircut with  my sister Justine. 

We plan on relaxing at home for the rest of the day. My sister and her boyfriend are home, along with my brother and his girlfriend. It’s a full house, but oh so much fun!

Greg is home too and he and I are going out to dinner tonight to celebrate our 5 year anniversary! Time flies when your having fun!

I’ll report more on that tomorrow! Hopefully with some cute pictures!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Small fish in a big pond.

Yesterday was a very full and busy day! I had early morning clients starting at 545 until 8. I then cae home with the hopes of a quick nap. Nap = restless, terrible dream filled 30 min. Not ideal.

What can I say? I guess I’m not a good napper? I’ve had this problem before when I try to sleep in the middle of the day. It’s like my body rejects the idea and thus forces weird and scary dreams into my subconscious to let me know.

After my attempted nap, I had got up and convinced myself to head to the track.

Yesterday was 2 by 1600s for marathon training so I chose to do the mile repeats track style. I ran/jogged the mile to the track, ran one mile, walked a bit, ran the second mile and then jogged back to work. 4 miles total with two of the miles somewhere around 8:35 pace. I’ll take it! 

It’s not as fast as I know I could do them, but the track intimidates me so I was happy with my splits for my first track workout of marathon training.

The rest of the afternoon included a strength workout and work until 530. If your looking for a killer way to end ANY workout try this baby:
5 min
8 box jumps
8 burpees
8 med ball slams
As many rounds as you can in 5 min. Hello increased heart rate!

At 6pm it was time for my first Physics 2 class at Harvard Extension. It was in a HUGE arena style auditorium that probably was built to fit 300-400 people if not more. My class had around 180-190 students! This is by far the largest class I have ever been in. Talk about little fish in a big pond. I was a little overwhelmed at first, but soon settled into the class and forgot about how many other students there were.

This is going to be a tough class, but I’m ready!! The only down side…it goes until 9pm. Long Tuesday.

I did manage to celebrate National Peanut Butter day before bed last night by eating a huge spoonful of the creamy good stuff. It was just what I needed and wanted after such a long day.

Today was another early morning. Gotta love em! I had a few clients, ran some errands, a few more clients and then a 3 mile run with Stacy. It was windy, but still mild for this time of year. In the high 30s low 40s. I’ll take it and promise I won’t complain next year when I’m bundled in 5 layers to run instead of no gloves and just 2 layers.

Greg works late tonight so I’m in charge of dinner. On the menu is Thimbles ( little pasta pieces) with mushrooms and artichokes.  Should be good. I’ll share the recipe tomorrow if it’s worth making again!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Makin Moves Monday

Today started Marathon training!! Whooohooo. This week looks like this:

Monday – 3 mile run
Tuesday – Strength and 2 by 1600s
Wednesday – 3 miles
Thursday – teach spin
Friday – rest/yoga
Saturday – 5 miles
Sunday – 8 miles

There you have it, the first week of marathon training. It’s posted. It’s written down. I have it in my phone calendar and my google calendar. I’m sticking to it!

Today I ran my 3 miles with Stacy around Cambridge. It was a nice day in the high 30’s. After how chilly it was yesterday it felt really warm. I didn’t even wear gloves.  Tomorrow is supposed to be even nicer!

Tomorrow I also start my Physics 2 class at Harvard Extension. Class from 6-9pm. It will be a long day, but I’m happy I’ll be finishing up my prerequisites for grad school! Yippie!

  This coming weekend Greg and I are heading home to Vermont. I’m really excited to be home for the full weekend. I have missed all of the snow they have received in the last month or so and Greg and I plan to bring our snow shoes home so we can hit the trails near my house! Any suggestions for my first time snow shoeing?

Greg and I will also be celebrating our 5 year anniversary this weekend!! Wow, how the times flies! I cant wait for this weekend for so many reasons!

 I have a super busy day tomorrow. It will also be my first REAL attempt at a track workout. I know 2 by 600s isn’t a lot, but I plan to push the pace and keep each mile in the 8:30 range. I’ll report back tomorrow!

Night everyone!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Foodball Sunday

Today went by much to fast.

First off, here is a picture of the wonderful pizza Greg made last night! It had mozzarella, sauteed spinch with onions, tomatoes and feta cheese. It was delicious! We ate almost the entire thing. Matt had once piece, and there are 2 left over. Not to shabby!

This morning after we got up and lounged around a bit, Greg and I headed to Market Basket. We needed to get a few things for our football gathering at 3. Yay Patriots! 

We also bought ingredients for beef stew and for dinner tomorrow night. Greg made the beef stew during the game and we each had a bit for dinner. We were pretty stuffed from the cut up veggies, chips, and dips during the game, but we will happily be eating beef stew for the next few days!

After the grocery store Matt and Greg went to the gym and I headed off on a cold 7 mile run! I ran to central and ran 5 with Stacy and then the last mile home. It was cold and at some point pretty slippery, but we ran all around BU and Beacon street which was fun.

Tomorrow starts marathon training. I’ll post more on this tomorrow.

It’s a short post today, I need to get to bed!! Early clients tomorrow morning.
Happy football day….I mean Sunday!