I did it! I went to yoga yesterday!
I loved it. I took it at Prana yoga which is a heated yoga
facility. The class I took was called
“hour of power”.
“hour of power”.
It was pretty fun! Yesterday was also the debut of adding
music to the class. I enjoyed the added background noise, it helped distract me
from the screaming my muscles were doing as I stretched them further than they
have gone in months.
Overall yoga was a success! I really am going to make an
effort to go once a week. Its not as scary as I had convinced myself it was.
Thursday I ran a total of 7 miles - 2miles to warm up, then
3 with Stacy, then 2 more on my own. It was cold and windy but overall a nice
run. The only downside was, as soon as I parted ways with Stacy it started to
snow. I’m pretty sure it was snowing and blowing from every direction because
no matter which way I turned down a street it was blowing in my face.
Friday was supposed to be a rest day, and I considered running
my scheduled 6 I had for today yesterday instead since it was forecast to
rain today but I was pretty tired and
decided against it.
Last night was “girls night”. The boys held "boys night" here
with whisky drinking and poker playing while the girls headed to our friend
Kathys house to make jello shots for an engagement party that being held today.
We also ate brownies and watched a movie.
Has anyone else seen Revolutionary
Road? It wasn’t as good as I wanted it to be. It was rather sad and depressing.
We will make sure to pick a more upbeat and funny movie next time.
This morning I woke up early and busted out 3.5 of my
scheduled 6. I just got too cold and wet and decided to head home. I may run a
few more miles later, but I also have the Black Cat 10 miler tomorrow so I don’t
plan on pushing it to hard. Tomorrow is only supposed to be an 8 miler in my
schedule so that fact that I’ll be racing 10 might make up for my lack of 6
Its raining and cold here so today will be a day for tea
drinking and reading! love it!
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