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Monday, March 5, 2012

Black Cat 10 miler

Hey everyone! 

Sorry for the blog hiatus for the last few days! Its a been busy and fun few days though!

Saturday I worked in the morning and then Greg and I basically spent the day reading and relaxing. I am reading The Imortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. I am really enjoying this book so far. It’s a good mix of science and history along with glimpses of her life intertwined to create a very compelling story so far.

We also headed over to Russos market in Watertown later in the afternoon. I had heard about this market for many months but we had never managed to find the time to head over. 

Saturday was the day! It was really crowded, but I loved it. There were tons of options for different types of fruits and veggies and cheeses. If we lived closer I would go allll the time, but it’s hard to justify the 20-25 min drive when we live so close to 2 different grocery stores. We managed to pick up some baby bok choy and some Chinese eggplant among other neat veggies.

Sunday was RACE DAY!! 

Matt and I woke up very early for a Sunday, around 5:45 for a 6:15 departure out the door. We picked up Stacy in Davis and then headed to Salem for the Black Cat 10 miler ( 20 miler in Stacys case). We parked and headed to the elementary school in Salem and grabbed our bibs and shirts and then waited for the race to start!

I stuck with Stacy for the first 2 miles, but there were so many people it was hard to keep track of each other. We hadn’t planned to run together we just happened to be near one another for the first little bit. The race went around Salem a little and then headed into Marblehead around mile 3. It was a hefty climb into Marblehead and then it was a steady climb and some flats until the turn around at 4.5 miles.

I enjoyed the first 4ish miles and then my right hip began to get really tight. I stopped almost every mile from 5-10 to stretch it out. 

This bummed me out because the pace I was keeping was decent, but with all of my stretching I ended up with a time of 1:36. A solid 7-9 minutes slower than I am sure I was capable of if my hip hadn’t been so tight, but I finished and I had fun so in the end I am thrilled I ran the race.I would most definitely do it again!

After the race Matt and I came home and I quickly showered before my parents, sister, and her boyfriend got here! My brother left for Liberia today for the next 3 months for work so everyone came down to spend some time with him before he left.

I was exhausted today, and a little sore in my calves but feeling pretty good overall.

 I have some hefty miles this week and next week so I need to make sure I stretch, foam roll, and drink lots of water!
This week is looking like this:

Monday: Rest – foam rolling
Tuesday: spin and 5 miles
Wednesday: 5 by 800s
Thursday: spin and 4 miles
Friday: rest - yoga
Saturday: 7 miles
Sunday: 15 miles

I may end up switching Sat and Sunday but I’m not sure yet. If I switch them I can run the 15 or at least part of it with Stacy before she heads to FL for work. It might be worth it in order to have some company for the long run.
Happy Monday everyone!

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