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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

In the 8’s

Yesterday turned into a very busy and very active day!

I taught spin in the morning and then had a little break before a few clients. During this break I received a frantic phone call from the man who is in charge of group exercises where I work and he begged me to teach in Davis as a sub for a Pilates class.

 I don’t know Pilates…any of it, so I said I would if I could instead teach a core and body weight class. He said that was completely fine and thus added on to my already packed day. Since I needed to get a 5 mile run in I figured I would run to Davis and back to equal 5. 

This is where things get fun! I had a wonderful run! The weather was amazing, my music was good, and I found myself running around 8:44-8:50 the whole time. I haven’t seen an 8 at the beginning of my pace in a while and I was beginning to wonder if marathon training had slowed me down. I think it has made my legs and body tired, but with foam rolling and stretching I can bounce back!

After this core class I had a few more clients, worked 2-6 and then taught another spin class. This last big of exercise was my fault. I thought I was supposed to teach it today instead of yesterday for some reason and realized at 6pm that my spin class started at 6:30. Cue made dash to the club to make it in time. I think I would have ditched the run if I had remembered that it would be a 2 spin class kinda day.

When I got home I was starving, I had picked up ingredients to make a peanut noodle dish, but Greg was tired and hungry too so we went with Thai takeout. I rambled on and on to Greg about how hungry I was and how much food I planned to eat. In the end, I didn’t even finish my pad Thai order. They put A LOT in those little containers. I did however, leave room for some Hershey Kisses…. or 12.

We relaxed for the night and tried to take it easy since our coming weekend in D.C will most likely be filled with walking and sight seeing and hanging out with friends! Oh…and running in my case.

Today is kind of a dreary day. I had some early morning clients, came home fell back asleep for about an hour and now I am running a bunch of errands before my next batch of clients. Somewhere in there will be a 5 mile run however it might be pretty slow given what I put my legs through yesterday.

 Hopefully they forgive me before Saturday RnR USA half! Happy Wednesday everyone! Weare half way through the week!!!

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