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Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday at home

Hello from Vermont! 

Yesterday after a rather eventful day of clients, running, and finding out my bank account had been hacked into I hoped on a bus home to VT.

 Its been a pretty stressful two weeks for me, and I think a trip home is just what I needed to relax and rest.
I’m currently writing from my bed, and I just took an Aleve cold and sinus because I think I may have caught some version of whatever cold Greg had. Rest, fluids, and more rest for me today!

Wed I ran 4 miles with Stacy. It wasnt the fastest run I’ve ever had, but it felt great to run and talk. It was also BEAUTIFUL outside and I ended up running in capris and a tank top. In February. 

Yesterday I had a 5 mile run on schedule which I planned to do right after spinning in the morning. I ws pretty tired and talked myself out of running and instead headed home to get a few things done. I figured I would run after my clients at 1. I ended up waiting for the pouring rain to stop before I headed out to run 5 nice miles along the Charles. 
I love running along the Charles when it’s in the low 50s. It’s the perfect running temp and there is always something to look at. There were many other people on the bike path walking, running, biking, and taking pictures. It was like spring!

Today is a rest day, thank goodness! Tomorrow I am supposed to run 7 and then Sunday is the Hyannis half. I’m pretty excited about the race, mostly due to the sparkly headbands Stacy and I bought on Wed night! 

The plan for today is to rest and take it easy. The weather is supposed to be semi-crummy later so I think my mom and I might run a few errands soon and then relax and bake at home for the remainder of the day! My sister Justine and her boyfriend are coming home tonight too so it should be a fun evening!

Happy Friday!

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