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Friday, December 9, 2011

Busy week update.

What a busy week it’s been. Sorry for not posting since Monday. I had a bunch of early mornings followed by late evenings and the energy to write was lacking. So sit down, relax, and settle into what might be a long post.

Tuesday I ran a solid 5.5 miles. I met Stacy for 4 of them. When we run along the Charles we usually go the same way, however we switched it up for this run and it was a great change. Instead of heading towards the Longfellow Bridge, we went towards the BU Bridge. It was great weather and even better conversation. We were both feeling good and kept up a 9ish min pace while talking.

 Tuesday Greg and I also had our last two dance lessons. We had to schedule two 45 min sessions in together due to scheduling conflicts in order to get our 5 sessions in before our Groupon expired. It was really fun, but exhausting. I don’t know how they do it on Dancing with the Stars. We had pulled pork for dinner out of the crockpot and then headed to bed. It was close to 8:45 by the time we got home from dancing.

Wednesday was another early morning. Hello 5:30am client, thank goodness I like you as a person because waking up at 4:30am 3 days in a row is less than enjoyable.

I went to spin on Wednesday because it was A) raining and B) I have promised to try and go to Wed Spin as cross training until I start marathon training in January. It was great. I worked hard, sweated A LOT, and felt completely worked out by the end. I did a little strength training before class which included some kettlebell and dumbbell work.

10 kb swings both hands

5 kb swings each hand

12 dumbbell plank rows ( 6 each hand)

20 deadbugs with a yoga ball
Repeat x3

I then did

10 kb high pulls

10kb squats

12 push press each arm

30 sec plank
Repeat x3

It was a great workout and I was really proud of myself for strength training twice in one week.

Thursday was yet another early morning, but by far my absolute favorite run with Stacy since we have met!
 Let me back up a bit… this Sat my roommate Matt is having a holiday/ugly sweater party at our apt for his co-workers. I told Stacy about this and she mentioned that her work was doing an ugly sweater party as well. She also said that one of her friends knew that the Garment District in Kendall square was having a sale on “Holiday sweaters”, code for ugly sweaters. 

Stacy and I figured that our only obvious choice was to do a little run and then check this sale out. We busted out a quick 2 miles then headed over to check out the sweaters. FANTASTIC! Stacy found a female Santa costume that she might wear Sunday for our 5k and we each walked away with some of the cheapest, ugliest sweaters we have ever seen! It was so much fun. We laughed at the sequins and beads and absurd buttons on some of them. I picked up four sweaters, one each for Greg and Matt, one for me and an extra just in case. Pictures to come on Sunday after the party Saturday night. Overall 4.5 miles, one of them while carrying this huge pink bag full of sweaters. Not the easiest mile I’ve ever ran. I’m sure I looked just as silly as I felt.

Today I had a few early am clients and then hopped on the upright bike for 45 min. I’m planning a long run tomorrow am so I didn’t want to run today. I made some cranberry chocolate chip Blondies for the party tomorrow before heading back to work. Its a super simple recipe which I'll post in the next few days. From the eating of at least 2 sampling of a brownie, I can say with confidence that they are pretty freakin good. 

When we all finally got home from work it was nap time in the apartment. Matt was on the couch and Greg and I in the reclining chair. We are a lively bunch. It’s been a long week. We managed to pull ourselves together after about an hour and headed into Union sq for some Sushi at EBU, a newer sushi place that opened a few months ago. We have been before and it was good so we decided to head back for a second round. I had edamame and a noodle dish, Greg had sushi and Matt also had a noodle dish. It’s now time for a glass of red wine then bed. Busy day tomorrow, run, clients, party prep, PARTY!

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