know I promised a post about celiac and my gluten free life as I’ve learned
more these past 3 weeks, but today I wanted to touch on something much more
personal and dear to my heart.
had a lot of friends over the weekend run the Philly marathon, or half
marathon. I read their facebook updates, or blog posts for months in
anticipation of Sunday when they would run their hearts out and see what they
were made of. I spent all morning yesterday tracking my friends running the
marathon and waiting for facebook updates. I was completely absorbed in their
races, and they experiences.
in the day I headed out for a run. I was (and still am) sick with a cold but I
knew I needed to get out and run, especially after taking Saturday off. While
running my legs felt great and my breathing was easy. I finished up 6 miles in
51 minutes and felt amazing.
my run I just kept thinking of all of the runners I knew and the races I have
done. I thought about the highs from getting a PR, especially in my case, a PR
that came from nowhere, to the lows when your race is just plain hard. I
thought about the mental aspect of running, and then how running really does
open up doors to new friendships and experiences.
am thankful to be a runner. I am thankful I can run, and most days I can do so
easily. I know that not everyone has this opportunity, and not everyone wants
to be a runner. But through running I have learned so much about myself. I am
stronger than I ever imagined, and I have created long lasting friendships and
relationships with people who I am proud to call running friends.
am so proud of all of my friends who have recently ran races, or who are
planning to run one in the future. No matter how the race or run goes, getting
out there is something to be immensely proud of.